What is the Adventure Club?
– Adventure Club Is a weekly after school club aimed at inspiring young
adventurers to develop their outdoor skills, social skills and create a
community of young like minded individuals with a safe environment to
experience adventure. An alternate option for active kids as opposed to
standard sports clubs. Over the duration of the club we will be Kayaking,
Paddle boarding, Climbing, doing Bushcraft and loads more! No outdoors
experience is required in any of the activities. This club is truly the
opportunity for kids to experience, discover and learn about the outdoors.
Who is Adventure Club for?
– Anyone aged 8-14 years old is welcome. We have the training and
willingness to facilitate SEN adventurers, so please do get in touch if you
have any concerns regarding this.

What do people achieve during their time at the club?
– During the club we have the option for a vast amount of certificates.
There are four standard ‘Paddle UK’ approved certificates we offer as well as multiple
Buzz Active skills awards, all included in the package
As well as these, the aim is for people to build on their social and soft skills,
such as teamwork, leadership and communication, which is a huge part of
any outdoor sport.
Who runs the Club?
– The club will be run by two of our passionate and enthusiastic instructors,
both equipped with the knowledge and experience to make this club the best
it can be.

Course Details
– Tuesdays 16:15-18:15.
September at Buzz Active Cuckmere.
October to February at Bushy Wood.
March at Cuckmere.
– First Club intake September 10th
– Club finishes first cycle 25th March (that’s 27 weekly sessions!)
£670 per person
broken down into a £100 deposit and 6 Monthly payments of £95.
Got some questions about Adventure Club?
Give us a call on 01323463300
or email us on : info@buzzactive.org.uk
Activity Enquiry
An enquiry form with dynamically populated activity lists
Got some questions? Then please call