I used my passion for windsurfing as my DofE Physical activity, I made it all the way to the National Windsurfing Junior Champions.
We had a fun-filled expedition, singing, eating (of course), walking, and taking in the views which were stunning! I think my favourite part was being with everybody in the team - we all got on so well and I don't think we stopped laughing for the entire day.
Having been at the Charity shop for a while it's amazing how many different characters I've met and had the chance to talk to; it's a great opportunity to improve my communication skills with strangers, something you tend not to get a chance to practise in everyday situations.
We are lucky enough to have three young people volunteering with us.
The Duke of Edinburgh's Award helps develop people so that they begin to understand what a difference they can make in life.
When recruiting young people we take many factors into account.